Sunday, March 2, 2008

The finish line is in sight...

(this is not me)

We have 3 weeks left until baby day (March 22). I need to pack a bag for the hospital and for Grant just in case. No more heartburn because I think he 'dropped'. I'm just a little swollen on my feet. (With Grant I had ELEPHANTITIS). But actually, I feel like a troll.
I impulsively had my hair cut yesterday.
I said, "Subtle highlights on the top, please." She did 3 different colors all over my head.
I said, "I don't really like 'razor' cuts, please." She did it anyway.
I said, "No thank you on any products for today, please." She gave me a big lecture about the shampoo I use.
Needless to say, I like how it turned out.

I have had to sit sideways to avoid bumping my patients with my belly. Speaking of work: My last day was Friday. Perhaps I will go back a little for sub-ing in May. Or maybe not... we might be moving.

We are still waiting on 5 more of Spencer's applications. We will not be moving to Texas, Indiana, or Oklahoma. (sarcastic "bummer"). The rejection letters are on the fridge. We like them there for some reason. I'm still optimistic. Spencer is considering joining the circus.

Spencer is still chipping away at his graduate paper and installing blinds. A client asked him if he did window tinting and without hesitation he said "Why yes, yes I do." He's never done tinting in his life, but he practiced on some windows in our house and completed the job with flying colors. I don't understand the entrepreneur mind. Sometimes I plug my ears and sing when he is spontaneous like that. I prefer a simple, stable life. Can't we be more like the Cosbys?
Want to see pictures of my pregnant self? Too bad.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for the laughs. Sounds like hancock dental is going through alot of changes. Good luck with your baby.....and your circus experiences! Hey, there's always dental school!

Summer said...

Why don't we get to see your pregnant belly? I wish I only had 3 weeks to go! Yes, the next time you and Spencer are here we will plan to there for dinner. Well, at least Spencer makes life interesting...right?!

Anonymous said...

Emily!! Where the heck have you BEEN!? I have thought about you so much and there you are! Obviously I am terrible at updating my blog but I was just reading my comments people had left and there you were! My prayers were answered silly girl! WHERE ARE YOU?!?! (Adorable family by the way!!)

Camille said...

Oh Emily, you are too funny! I would also like to see pictures of a cute pregnant you. I think I've said this before, but I feel strongly that you two should end up in Las Vegas. Preferably in the house RIGHT next to ours...

Also, I still need advice on the upholstering thing... I'm sure you have NOTHING else to do! 3 weeks, YIKES!

Jenn said...

that picture is cool, but a little freaky, plus I totally thought it was you! I want to see the hair...I finally highlighted mine! I also picked up an ottoman and now have a major upholstering job on my hands--pretty much you should go into the entrepreneur-ing business yourself! CALL ME!

The Stanford Bunch said...

exciting times! good luck when the baby comes!!!

Stephanie said...

i want to see this hair do please.