Friday, April 17, 2009

My favorite post so far:

Did you notice my NEW button on the sidebar???

Here is the deal:

If you click on this button, you will see a blog full of pictures, videos, and information about my sister-in-law's (Becki's) family. All I know is, the baby that is to belong to this family is destined for happiness. And lots of goofy accents (mom's pastime). And playing fun games (dad's pastime). And rolls of masking tape (brother's pastime).

I am so much in love with this family that we would leave our children in their care if something happened to Spencer and I.

So if you know of someone that is considering adoption, please share this button!
Becki's sister-in-law (on the Kendrick side) is the infamous blogging cjane (sister of Nie Nie). confused yet? Cjane introduced the button on her blog, HERE, and wrote a great post worth reading.

The Kendrick family is ready and waiting for you, little baby.


Ty and Kumari said...

I will keep my eyes and ears open. If they need a little boost tell them to check out my sisters blog -russian adoption it was a 2 year long process but very inspirational.

MaryLou said...

I have a seventeen-year-old son that I would like to leave in their care. I feel fine about them talking in accents, playing games and wrapping him in masking tape. I am free next weekend to drop him off at the entrance to Lagoon so they can have a fun first day together. After that, please tell them that I hope they are light sleepers.

beck said...

Normally we would only take babies, but since I am very good at catching teenage boys doing really stupid things and then lecturing them (in accents if you would like), I am ready to go!

Our masking tape is ready too!

Happy birthday, Roxie, by the way.

p.s. will you pay for him to go to Lagoon? And for a few extra churros for his caretakers?

Kimberly said...

Emily I love you! I want you to write more often! Becki and Roxie--what a pair.

MaryLou said...

Thank you Becki for the birthday wishes...I love you and hope that all of the efforts that you and Jeremy have made turn into the answer to your prayers.

I cannot give you money to support my son...once you lay eyes on him, you are responsible for his care and keeping. (By the way, don't give him cash.) Congratulations.