Monday, September 15, 2008

money money money money money

Intro: I hate money, and I like money, so I manage money.

Maybe I'm just slow to catch on to cool stuff, but I discovered the BEST website the other day.

Note: Quicken makes me nauseous. (Does anyone else feel that way?)

So, with a little research, I found this website:

(if anyone knew about this and didn't tell me... well... I declare we are in a fight.)

I may sound like a commercial, but I have to say, it is SOOO EASY!!! It is so organized and visually simple, that it makes me happy just logging in. I didn't spend hours setting it up either.

The best part: I get a text when I approach my budget. Can I get a Hallelujah!

You'll thank me.


Becca said...

Em, you have my how legit is this I'm interested because Quicken drives me up the wall!!!

Oh, and guess who I saw today at church? Heather Tape! Crazy huh?

Camille said...

Fun, I've been saying I needed to find something to keep my budget in check, this would be great! Thanks!

Jessica said...

I just read about that site and was on my way to check it out. I'm definitely going to now. Hope all is well!

Brock and Kristina said...

This sounds awesome. is it going? I am kind of paranoid about putting my bank username and did you feel about that. Do you still recommend I've been thinking about it ever since you posted this....and I'm still thinking... Let me know. :)

Emily said...

For those of you who are worried, I read about for a couple hours before I started and the most helpful information was on this page:

Watch the videos under "video coverage" too. And under "awards" it shows how many awards mint has won. I think it is very secure, credible, and pretty much perfect.