Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm pro-antibiotics.

Thank goodness for antibiotics! Spencer developed strep throat and Grant had double ear infections. AAAAHHHH!!! I'm glad I felt pretty good, but hopefully I'm not a time-bomb of germs waiting to explode.

Walgreen's is genius. If you go in to fill a prescription, they usually say it will be 30 min. to an hour to wait. I needed some balloons for pack meeting so I thought I'd just shop around while I was waiting. 45 minutes later I had a full basket of things in 'needed' but didn't intend to buy. They outsmarted me this time. But luckily within that 45 minutes I talked myself into buying an ear thermometer. It was expensive, but SOO worth it. I've used it 20 times today on Grant, and Spencer likes to check his own hourly (I think this is because he likes our new little gadget and it validates his illness). I'm going to pay for that comment because I get into trouble for not being sympathetic enough.

I hope no one expected me to post on pack meeting day (Yesterday). Spencer said, "You sold your soul to Pack Meeting." It's true. But it went so well! They loved the marshmallow dart game. (I have three shooters if anyone needs them).

Doesn't Grant look cute in his new pajamies from Chicago?


MaryLou said...

Emily--please don't get strep throat. And get some have been doing too much. I wish I had some new jammies too! He is adorable.

Stephanie said...

i vote for antibiotics as well- ambrose just got done with his first round of them and they worked wonders on his ear infection... and we didnt even leave the house for thanksgiving! imagine the diseases he will pick up when we fly 5 hours to the mainland at christmas! glad you had a good thanksgiving even if wasnt in hawaii- GO RAINBOW WARRIORS!!! haha- just kidding Boise State- I didnt even watch the game and I would have been happy either way. :)

Ash said...

Where's Waldo...I mean Grant? So cute.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get your scout ideas?

And is everybody feeling better?

p.s. you can answer questions on your own blog. cjane even does it.