Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hello from Chicag-ee

I'm in the Chicago Public Library. It is HUGE... I feel like exploring but I need to go drop off my bags at the hotel before I meet Spencer for lunch.

Spencer and I were so tired last night we went to bed at 8p and woke up at 8a. I wouldn't be able to do that if Grant was here so I indulged. (note to all those without children: sleeping in is not a crime).

When Spencer went off to his conference, I was nervous about being alone in the city. There are a lot of homeless people here. It doesn't really bother me except that I must have "approach me" written on my forehead. We gave one man our boxed left overs last night (we don't have a fridge in our hotel anyways). He was grateful, it made us feel good. (But we wished we had our pizza this morning).

People here LOVE Dunkin' Doughnuts! There is one on every corner!

I bought Grant some church clothes and I found some cute shoes for myself that I splurged on. (I can't really shop effectively for myself because I can only wear pregnant-appropriate clothing.)

We are dressing up and going out to Petterino's and the Broadway play Wicked tonight.

Stay tuned! It's an opportunity to live vicariously through us!

1 comment:

MaryLou said...

I can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about Wicked. Remember, Grant doesn't have a concept of time and he is in the "house of playtime". I'm sure Becky, Jeremy and Ethan are occupying every moment of his days.