Friday, September 11, 2009

Lots to post, lots to post!

In the last two weeks:

#1: We had a great time with Ken and Gaye (in-laws)!

AWESOME collage football games last week. Here is Grant at the OU football game. We did the same watching Boise State and BYU win!!!

Have you ever been to Hiram or Kirtland, Ohio? So many neat things to see! It was unexpectedly profound. I like feeling more familiar with the history of my church. I think I over-estimated my boys. They were bored. It was exhausting to manage them. I had a little meltdown outside the Whitney store. We survived. By the way, the Amish mecca was on the way! It was neat to drive through Sugarcreek, Ohio but I must admit I was disappointed because it was so tourist-y! Next time, I'd like to explore the back roads a little more. Like I said, we just drove through.

The Johnson Farm (my favorite site)
The Leavitts (missionaries from Twin Falls)
Kirtland Temple
#2: Grant started preschool!

This morning Grant got to eat his mini MnM pancakes on the "Special Day" plate. He brushed his teeth, put on his new T-shirt and willingly got in the car. As we were walking in to preschool he said, "I want to stay home, mom." I told him he would probably change his mind when he saw all the fun things to do inside. He did. He was shy but not upset about me leaving him (especially when his little buddy showed up). I was surprised. I think I was the nervous one. I realized that today starts the first of ALL his days of "school". This year, he will only be gone two mornings a week, but next year it will be three, then five, then ALL DAY FIVE DAYS A WEEK! What!!!???!!? Yes, every Fall-Spring from this year forth, he will go to school. I need to go have a little cry. Anyways, here are some pictures.

#3: We've been growing Monarchs at our house. Magical. Very Magical.
(we took the cocoon with us on our road trip)


Stephanie said...

wow! i cant imagine what it will feel like when ambrose goes to preschool like that but i might just go have a little cry myself thinking about it! haha

so many wonderful things. my family and i visited some of those sites when i was seven and i kinda remember it but i dont remember if my mom had any meltdowns so you are safe!

i am glad to hear that moms like you have meltdowns too. makes me feel better. :)

and those monarchs are magical- so many great pictures in this post!

Emily said...

Yay for Grant! And for you. I love preschool almost as much as Elliot does:) I can't believe how big your boys are! I love your pictures, but it makes me miss you guys! Glad you are having so much fun.

miraclefortegan said...

Love it! I went on a church hist. trip when I was 12 and got to visit the amish country while we were out that way...I'm so happy you lived out your dream. ;) I keep talking about getting Austin into preschool, but haven't done it yet, you've inspired me, I'm doing it. He says he goes to school, but he doesn't. My child is living a lie. Thanks for the tip on google analytics, by the way!


Kimberly said...

Where did you get the monarch caterpillar? I have been looking for those ever since we moved back but they seem to have disappeared from Twin Falls...

Ty and Kumari said...

Love Grants face at the football game!! Spencer has trained him well!!! That is soo crazy they are getting so old!!! He is starting school wow!!!! Those monarchs are pretty cool!!

beck said...

You don't look like you were having a breakdown in front of the Whitney store. Never seen such a big cheeser. What an actress.

I miss monarchs. And Ohio. Oh, and you too.

Mason Bourne said...

Ummmm...You have a little blond haired/blue eyed boy. Are you sure you got the right boy?

Alex Thickel said...

the boys are getting so big emily! i miss them...henry looks like a lil boy now, no more baby :(


VicandNanc said...

It loos like you had a fun trip (overall!), I am jealous you got to go to a BYU game, I forgot where you are living now.. I guess I'll have to search through past posts!

Juli said...

I know how you feel. My fourth started kindergarten and I dropped her off and then just sat there. Finally, her teacher was like, mom, go home. Oh. . . OK. I miss you guys.

Jaylynn said...

Wow looks like such a fun trip! I've always wanted to go and do the church history tour. By the way, that is so neat that you ran into the Leavitt's serving there! They are good friends of my family; I grew up in the same ward as them and am friends with their daughters. I hope it's okay, Spencer gave me your blog address and it looks like you guys are doing so well, such a cute little family! Your boys are adorable!

Mason Bourne said...

You haven't posted for a month.