Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Listen to this...

Spencer can ALSO fight crime.

Last weekend, Spencer borrowed a $4000 four-wheeler from a friend. He thought of returning it on Sunday but waited because he didn't want to fill it up with gas on Sunday. In the meantime it was stored on the side of our house UP on top of our trailer.

Monday morning Spencer woke me in a depressed tone, "The four-wheeler was stolen last night."

Step one: Call detective. The detective came over and began a report, spoke to a couple neighbors. She said, "If you find it, call me."

Step two: Spencer and friend, Chad, launched their own investigation. They called themselves Starsky and Hutch. They walked around and talked to some neighbors. One neighbor came by and said he witnessed the whole thing! Apparently, at four in the morning, a couple guys in black were sneaking around, drinking beer, found the key to the four-wheeler and drove it off. A beer can was found at the scene.

Step three: Spencer calls around in our network of neighbors and ward members to identify the "rebels" close by who have been recently causing community havoc. This is my favorite part of the story: A lady in our ward, sick from pregnancy, unable to leaver her home, retired to her room for a nap. When lo and behold, through her window, she catches a glimpse of something RED in the alley behind her house! THE FOUR-WHEELER! Except now it has NO wheels! I think it is so funny that she is solving crime without even leaving her house!

Step four: Starsky and Hutch go to the scene. No wheels. No key. Call the detective. Detective fingerprints. More beer cans. Home of the suspects is found not far away with even more beer cans. It's like the movies because we are following a trail of beer cans!

Step five: Retrieve the four-wheeler... place in safe keeping at Hutch's house. Confront suspects for the key who, of course, deny everything.

The owner of the four-wheeler was very surprised that we found it. Well... most of it.

Summary: The detective did nothing. Hopefully she can find the wheels and the key before we have to pay for them. I seriously can't believe they found it.

Flashback: One time, when we were 13, my cousin Tara and I hid our bikes in a bush so no one would see us riding them to the store (we thought they were dorky). When we got back they were gone. My dad offered a suspicious looking boy $50 to find them and he did. I can't believe we got those back too.


Joe, Becky, Logan(Fox) and Trigger Green said...

This story totally made me laugh! I can see Spencer getting all excited about his "detective" work.

MaryLou said...

Dear Starsky, I bet there are similar stories about you at the age of 5, 6, 7,.... etc., etc., etc. I can seriously see you getting into Starsky-esk shananigans your entire childhood. Congratulations and I have a feeling you will probably get a call from a 95 year-old with an oxygen tank who is legally blind and bed-ridden saying he knows where the key and the wheels are.

Masons said...

Must you remind everyone of that?!

Jason and Dana said...

Hey Emily, I have a question. We got a kitchen table on craigslist that needs a little help, and I saw your post on your painted table...I was wondering what color red you used? It's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I had to comment on this because I JUST watched this movie last night! I hope you find the tires & key!!!

Jenn said...

that is pretty much the greatest story I have ever read! Way to go Starsky and Hutch!